Please post here all the problems that you may encounter.
I am enrolled in a course that doesn't appear in my course list
Yes, courses may take 24h to appear in e-learning, after drop&add.
Hello Marc,
2 questions :
1) how come all my students are not listed in my courses ?
2) how do I enroll participants not necessarily in my course ( i.e. other tutors or students from other courses)
thank you
pierre hage-boutros
We solved the first issue : students must have logged in at least once for them to appear in the list.
Still awaiting for your answer concerning outside members enrollment.
Pierre Hage-Boutros
Sorry for the veeery late reply ! it's because the system notify us of new posts, but your post wasn't new, it was a reply on Marc's first post. Sorry for that.
As you said, to enforce/encourage the students to use e-learning, they must login at least once, to appear in your list.
For adding more students, you must contact us , and we can add students, teachers, read-only teachers, your courses.
Thank you Nidal
Wishing you a happy new year
Hello, there is a problem with my courses display, it's showing the courses i registered in LAST semester instead of this semester courses. I cheked in last week and i had a list of courses of both this year semesters, now its only last semester's courses and i can't access my current courses. How can i fix this ?
Thank you.
Hi, please try again now. Itshould show both semesters.
Hi ,I cant figure out how to register in a course on E-learning that our teacher told us we should do it for the attendance sheet.Thx Plz Helpppp
Hi Sara, well normally, if you simply open the course's page, you will appear on the instructor's attendance sheet. Now if the course doesn't appear in your list, this is another problem, please tell us.
Hi ... There's a problem with my courses display. Friday, I moved out from french to arabic section ... I am enrolled in courses that doesn't appear in my course list yet ..
thank u in advance
Your courses should be updated tomorrow morning.
Ok ... Thank u so much
I can not find 'world Flow' on the platform or let me know what do you mean by 'world flow' in the E-Learning? please can you help me.
Best Regards.
oh maybe you mean WorkFlow, that can be found in MyUSEK (the INTRAnet portal, only available on campus), or here:
انا لم اتقدم خلال الاسبوع لاي اختبار وعندما اردت التقدم للاختبار وجدت ان النماذج الخاصة بمادة مدخل الى الكتاب المقدس
مجابة وبالتالي لايوجد امكانية للتقدم الى الاختبار لانه اغلق و اعتقد ان المشكلة ناتجة عن الخلل السابق في
الموقع فما العمل ارجو افادتي
سلام المسيح، عادة عندما افتح، يظهر عندي فقط الثلاث كورسات اللي مسجلة فيهم، اليوم عم يفتحوا جميعا وحاولت افتح وفقا لاسم الاستاذ ، ما فتح، ما بعرف اذا الخطأ من عندي او لا، رجاء إفادتي بالموضوع، والله يعطيكم العافية
Dear Lina,
You have to click on the course name, not on the instructor name.
How do I know my course code ?
You can check you course code and number on Banner
عندى سؤال . الموضوع الاول والثانى من رسائل القديس بولس غير متاحين لماذا؟
الفصل الدراسي لم يبدأ بعد. سنبدأ يوم الثلاثاء في 10 شباط فبراير وسيكون الدرس الأول مفتوحًا يومها
سلام المسيح ابونا لقد سجله في هذا الدرس قبل يومين متي يبده ومتى سينتهي ؟
سلام المسيح، عم يفتح عندي فقط المواد الثلاث للفصل الاول، حاولت سكر وارجع افتح، نفس الشيء، ما عم يظهر المواد الأربعة الجدد، شكرًا والله مع الجميع
عزيزتي لينا
الرجاء التأكد الان
Does anyone know how/where to upload the exam?
could you please send me a manual or anything that might help in finding and using the portfolio section
hi my name is Jennifer Abboud and i am from the faculty of fine arts
i registered in the course of civic engagement and i was in misses Mirna Mzawak’s class. but now when i entered the site i found that my class was changed and i am with another teacher and i can’t write on the news forum of her class.
thank you
Please send your teacher a personal message on elearning.
Kindly note that students cannot add a post on the "news" forum.
My grades are not appearing for my previous courses...
thank you
Hi I already enrolled in the Gospel of John but I cannot see the course on the website
Thank you
Hi I sent an email to Mme Sirena till now she did not reply
I went over my visa card and the payment did not go through
may that was the problem if it is I would like to pay it again
should I repeat the same procedure on my visa?
Hi i am trying to login on the usek app the user name should be my email right ? And the password the same one that i use to log to e learning but its not working! I tried like everything what can i do ?
normaly you have to log in using your ID number as a user name and then your password
for the prof at USEK we use our email but the first part if it, without
please how can i checked the absence of my course tutor before the class on e-learning??
Web filter block, cant answer to forum in my philosophy class, what to do ?
Thank you
this semester's courses stopped appearing suddenly, what do I do?
سلام المسيح ،
اولا اود ان اشكر جميع الاباء والاساتذة الافاضل وجميع القيمين علي هذا الموقع الرائع والذي اتاح لنا دراسة اللاهوت عبر الانترنت.
اما بعد، انا مشتركة في هذه الدراسة وهذه سنتي الثالثة لاحظت موخرا بعض درجات المواد التي قمت بالانتهاء منها ومن تقديم كافة الامتحانات بها لا تظهر عندي وقد كتبت عدة مرات ولم اتلقي اي جواب
الرجاء اعلامي عن نتيجة امتحاناتي في هذه المواد ولماذا لا تظهر عندما استعرض user report
ولكم جزيل الشكر وفائق التقدير.
Hello all,
How to access messages after the pop-up of messages disappears.
I didn't find it on the main page (Dashboard) after the access to my account.
Thanks for your help.
i just want to know how to get emails of needed instructors
I am a registered student in theology for the second year. I use Moodle since 2017 on both platforms: iOS and Android.
I am recently facing a serious problem.
1-on Android, I cannot access my courses anymore. I uninstalled the app and reinstalled it but I cannot go beyond the page where I am asked to enter the website. By the way I am entering as follows:
Please help me on this urgently
2- on IOS, my current courses appear under past courses and my past courses appear under current. What is the solution?
Thanks a lot and happy new year
I just have this week my midterm exams, I've been trying to log in many times and I cannot find my courses (though they've been appearing normally during all of this semester!).
I need to download the chapters and I cannot since none of them are appearing and I am panicking!
Please S.O.S.!!!
Thank you
I already finished the first 2 courses and it looks that I didn't notice the announcement of the registration deadline for the coming courses! Can you help please! Thanks and much appreciated
how can i delete a discusion posted recently in a forum
hello, how can i access the online session that is held on microsoft teams from my laptop?
were do i find the join link?
thank you
Hi, my registration just got completed and i just logged in on the website but none of my courses are showing. How can I fix that?
Hello Serena,
Any enrolment made on Banner, needs 24 hours to be synchronized to your elearning page.
So today you may find them there.
We where trying with our professor a trial on lockdown browser for our next week final exam , the environment check camera all is fine but there is this error and phrase that appears on all my student colleague's screen:
This quiz is only accessible from certain locations, and this computer is not on the allowed list.
Which does not allow us to start the exam.
As you can see in the attached picture.
My computer location and time is set to beirut, lebanon as instructed by the it department
You must contact your instructor to adjust the quiz settings. He/She must have set a value for the field "Require Network Address".This field must remain blank.
can you show me how to find new courses ? I cannot find it and always can not register myself ?
thank you
Hello, please add me to the E-learning, I can't see the courses I am taking on the E-learning